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Admin  [email protected]

PARS [email protected]

Training [email protected]

Behind Closed Doors
PO Box 296
LS12 9FP

Give Feedback

Behind Closed Doors is committed to providing the best possible service to both individuals and professionals.

Our policy is that all feedback is properly administered, recorded and acknowledged and, where necessary, investigated.

We aim to ensure that anyone with a complaint is treated in a fair, reasonable and consistent manner. We hope the experience you’ve had of working with Behind Closed Doors has been a positive one.

Your feedback will help us to evaluate and monitor our service, so that we can continue to provide the best possible outcomes for our clients.


We do know that from time to time things might not go as hoped and you might be dissatisfied with the service you’ve received.

We’d like to know about this so we can make adjustments where we believe they are needed.

Grounds for a complaint by you or your client include:

  • Discrimination based on gender, age, marital and civil partnership status, maternity/paternity, race and ethnicity, gender or gender reassignment, sexual orientation, disability religion and belief, or for any similar reason
  • Failure to provide adequate information about Behind Closed Doors or its services
  • Failure to provide adequate services
  • Unreasonable delay in receiving the services expected
  • Workers or volunteers have been rude or unhelpful
  • Disagreement with a decision we have made or a policy by which we operate
  • Behind Closed Doors has failed to uphold our values.

We will listen to all complaints and endeavour to resolve the matter informally where possible. Should you be unsatisfied with the way your complaint has been handled, or you feel your complaint is of a more series nature you may raise a formal complaint.

Complaints form

Feedback form